
It is all of our responsibility to keep children safe.

In school all staff are trained to know how to safeguard children.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Gemma Jackson- Head Teacher

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is: Lucy Newman

If you have any concerns around a child, please do come and speak with us.

Here is our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy:

GPVPA and REAch2 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy- September 2024

In Reading we are part of the West Berkshire Safeguarding Partnership- the WBSCP. 

If you are worried about a child in Reading, please click here.

If you are worried about a child, what might you be worried about? 

What is child abuse and neglect?

Some abuse may happen because parents, carers or other adults act in ways which harm children. Other kinds of abuse occur when adults fail to take action to protect children or fail to meet a child’s basic needs.

There are four main types of abuse:

Physical Abuse
This may involve hurting or injuring a child by hitting, shaking, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.

Emotional Abuse
Persistent emotional ill treatment of a child. It may involve telling children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.

Sexual Abuse
Forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. It may also include non-contact activities such as involving children in inappropriate sexual activities.

Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, which is likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development.

Witnessing domestic abuse is also harmful to children. If you are involved in domestic abuse talk to someone. Click here for support in Reading and click here for Thames Valley Police partner support helplines.

What might make you concerned?

There are many possible signs of abuse ranging from physical injury to changes in behaviour.  In some cases a child may tell you that they are being harmed. Alternatively you may witness an incident either between a parent and a child or a professional or volunteer working with children, which causes you to be concerned.

What to do if you are concerned?

Adults have a responsibility to share any concerns they have, even when they may have some doubts as to whether a child is being harmed.

If you are concerned about a child speak to someone. This might be a health visitor, nursery staff, teacher, family doctor, social worker or police officer.

If you are have concern regarding online activity, please click here to report online.

Additional support:



Information shared with parents

NSPCC PANTS and privacy

A core focus in our school is safeguarding and pupil safety. We have operational procedures, safeguarding procedures and a curriculum focus in order to keep our children safe. One of our core messages to children is regarding personal privacy with regard to their private parts. We use resources by the NSPCC:

They refer to PANTS or ‘The Underwear Rule’:

Your underwear covers up your private parts and no one should ask to see or touch them. Sometimes a doctor, nurse or family members might have to. But they should always explain why, and ask you if it’s OK first.

Your body belongs to you. No one should ever make you do things that make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. If someone asks to see, or tries to touch you, underneath your underwear, say ‘NO’ – and tell someone you trust and like to speak to.

No means no and you always have the right to say ‘no’ – even to a family member or someone you love. You’re in control of your body and the most important thing is how YOU feel. If you want to say ‘no’, it’s your choice.

There are good and bad secrets. Good secrets can be things like surprise parties or presents for other people. Bad secrets make you feel sad, worried or frightened. You should tell an adult you trust about a bad secret straight away.

Talk about stuff that makes you worried or upset. If you ever feel sad, anxious or frightened you should talk to an adult you trust. This doesn’t have to be a family member. It can also be a teacher or a friend’s parent – or even Childline.