Enrichment Clubs and Extended Day Provision
Activity Clubs
Our enrichment offer of Activity Clubs is confirmed each term. Our current offer (from Summer 2024) is:
- Tuesday lunchtime- Active Sports
- Tuesday afternoon- Football- Midis
- Tuesday afternoon- Dance- Minis
- Tuesday afternoon- Football- Minis
- Wednesday lunchtime- Active Sports
- Wednesday afternoon- Gymnastics- Midis
- Wednesday afternoon- Arts and Crafts- Minis
- Wednesday afternoon- Drama- Midis
- Thursday lunchtime- Active Sports
- Thursday afternoon- Gymnastics- Minis
- Thursday afternoon- Multi-sports- Midis
- Friday lunchtime- Active Sports
All clubs are currently provided by the school, with no charge to families.
Activity Clubs, run by the school, are designed to widen children’s experiences. In schools, for free provision, clubs are typically run under the goodwill and generosity of the school team. Sometimes a school may use an external provider and offer activity places on a pay per space or subsidised payment basis.
Process for booking- ensuring fairness for all:
An Activity Club will usually run for a sequence of 6 weeks and will be restricted in numbers, based on the risk assessment for supervision, type of activity and the individual needs of children in a cohort. Activity Clubs will be offered to all children via Forms booking. This enables all parents to receive a link by email at the same time to be able to easily access the Form to express preference. The school can then fairly allocate places based on the receipt of the request. Once a place on the club is confirmed, parents complete a parental agreement linked to pupil safety.
If an Activity Club is over-subscribed, a waiting list will be kept. Those children on the waiting list will be prioritised for a club when the next club sequence of 6 weeks runs. The school tracks all requests, preferences, offers and attendance.
Activity Clubs, run by the school, should not be relied on as childcare as, if the staff member running the club is absent from work for any reason on the day of the club, the club may need to be cancelled at short notice if another staff member is unable to step in to cover. We will expect punctual collection from the Activity Club, in the same way that we expect punctual collection at the end of the standard school day. Repeated late collection (beyond genuine emergency or a situation beyond all control), will result in the place on the Activity Club being removed.
If your child attends Go Beanies, the school and Go Beanies will organise safe handover of responsibility for your child. Please note that full Go Beanies sessions will need to be paid for, even if your child attends a school club for part of the after-school session.
Go Beanies Play and Learn- Breakfast and After School Provider
Go Beanies Play and Learn are providing our before and after school care to support parents and carers.
You can find out more information about Go Beanies here
Here is information and booking forms shared by Go Beanies:
GO BEANIES PLAY + LEARN PARENT PACK Green Park Village Primary Academy May 2024 v1.0