PTA- supporting our school in our community

Green Park Village Primary Academy has a PTA (Parent Teacher Association). The purpose of this is two-fold in terms of the experiences we will work together to provide for our children:

1/ raising funds for additional resources and experiences;

2/ arranging/ providing school and community-based experiences for our children and families

If you are interested in getting involved, please email our Chair, Asmaa, via [email protected]

If you are a community organisation who would be keen to support or work with our school, please also feel free to get in touch.

Parent Voice

We ask our parents for their views on our provision at different points to aim, where possible, to meet needs as best we can.

Ahead of the Dual Learning during lockdown (January 2021), we asked parents for their views ahead of moving to our Remote Learning Offer:

Remote Learning Parent View- pre

Once our children who were Remote Learning returned to school (March 2021), we asked our parents for their feedback:

Family Support

Please find below details of organisations who offer help and guidance in a range of areas including family support, positive parenting, support with children with special needs and support with poor mental health for adults and children.

Family Lives (Parentline Plus)

How they can help:

‘People contact us about all aspects of family life that include all stages of a child’s development, issues with schools and parenting/relationship support. We also respond when life becomes more complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, teenage risky behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children’.

Parent Talk

How they can help:

Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust.

We’re here for you, when you need us. Find answers to parenting questions in our advice articles. Or talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you. It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.

PSC (Parenting Special Children)

How they can help:

Parenting Special Children’s mission is to provide specialist parenting support to parents and carers of children and young people with Special Needs, so that they can create positive change in their lives.

Positive parenting | NSPCC Learning

How they can help:

Need-to-know: how to set boundaries and build positive relationships

Balancing the various demands parents have to cope with isn’t easy and all parents can come under pressure or stress from time to time.

This guide shares practical advice and tips for positive parenting techniques that work well for children – from babies to teenagers. These techniques encourage better behaviour and help parents find out what works for them and their child.

The guide is also a valuable resource for services and professionals offering parenting advice to new parents and those caring for young children or teenagers.

Young Minds

How they can help:

Life can be challenging and we all struggle to cope sometimes. It might not feel like it, but things can get better. We have lots of advice and tips that can really help.

NHS Talking Therapies Berkshire

How they can help:

Talking Therapies is our friendly and approachable NHS service that offers support if you’re coping with challenges like depression, stress, anxiety or phobias.

If you’re aged 17 and over and living in Berkshire, we can help you overcome the mental health challenges you’re facing. 

Compass Recovery College

How they can help:

Compass Recovery College is a mental health and wellbeing organisation based in Reading, Berkshire, UK, commissioned by Reading Borough Council.

We provide free workshops and social groups for anyone in the area aged 18 or over who may be affected directly or indirectly by mental health or wellbeing challenges. Everyone is welcome and everyone is a participant. So whether you are struggling yourself, or perhaps you are a carer, family member or professional who would like to know more about mental health and wellbeing, we can help.

National Autistic Society

How they can help:

We are the UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. Since 1962, we have been providing support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.

School Nursing

Here is their latest newsletter for families.