
Core and statutory school-focussed policies are below. More policies will be added as we develop our school further.

For Trust-wide policies, please visit our REAch2 website – click here

Admissions Policy:

2023 2024

2024 2025

SIF Children Adopted from outside England

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Accessibility Policy and Plan

Safeguarding Policies

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Online Safety Policy

Visitors to the School Policy/ Procedure

Supporting Learners Policies

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy and Information Report

Behaviour Policy /Learner Attitudes Policy

First Aid Policy

Pupils With Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicine Policy

Intimate Care Policy

HR/ Recruitment Policies

Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy

DBS procedures

Privacy notice- applicants

Parents/ carers Policies

REAch2 policies can be found here

Complaints Policy

Privacy notice- parents and carers

Charging and Remissions for Academy Activities Policy

Donations Policy and Procedures

Uniform Policy

Learning and Teaching Policies

Learning and Teaching/ Curriculum information can be found here

Assessment Policy

Feedback Policy

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy

Equalities Duty Framework – statement, information and objectives

PSHE Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Health and Safety Policy:



Whistleblowing Policy


Lettings Agreement

Acceptable Use Agreements




Parents/ carers

Risk Assessments for COVID-19

Since the removal/ relaxation of measures, we refer you to the guidance produced by the Department for Education (DfE).

Since April 2022 school uses the REAch2 Infection Control Risk Assessment. If you have valid reason(s) to require sight of a copy, please contact the school via [email protected]